Kali Linux | How to install Kali Linux? Free download

Before knowing how to install Kali Linux, first, you have to know what Kali Linux is. Kali Linux is the industry-leading Linux distribution in security auditing, penetration testing, and ethical hacking.

Kali Linux

If a person who is following a career in Information Security, one of the most compulsory things is to have a security-focused OS. A suitable operating system helps in performing time-taking and tedious tasks very efficiently. Currently, there is an uncountable Linux based operating system but Kali Linux is arguably one of the best choices.

How to install Kali Linux?

It is used by cybersecurity experts for ethical hacking, penetration testing, and network security assessments. In this article, we learned how to install Kali Linux.

Following are the topics that are covered in this article:

  1. What is Kali Linux?
  2. How to install Kali Linux?
  3. Why do people use Kali Linux?

Download Kali Linux click here


What is Kali Linux

When it comes to hacking, penetration testing and offensive Linux distributions, the first thing that is to be mentioned is Kali Linux. Kali Linux VMware software comes pre-packaged with a variety of command-line hacking tools geared towards various information security tasks, Such as Penetration Testing, Network Security, Computer Forensics, and Application Security. Google Chrome kali Linux Basically, Kali is the ultimate OS for Linux ethical hackers and is widely recognized in all parts of the world, even Windows users may not even know what Linux is.

So, what makes Kali Linux so special when you compare it to other Linux distributions like Parrot Security, Backbox, Black arch, and many others?

How to install Kali Linux?

Kali Linux installation is an easy and simple process and you have different multiple installation options. Most preferred ones include:

  1. Installing Kali Linux by making a Kali bootable USB drive
  2. Kali Linux hard disk install
  3. Using virtualization software, such as Virtual Box
  4. Dual-booting Kali Linux with the operating system

In this article, Kali Linux Virtualbox we will learn how to install Kashi Linux using Virtualization software, although you have multiple options to choose from. Kali Linux latest version.  The following are the steps described below, you can start setting up your machine with all the tools you need to do a complete check-in.


  • Minimum 20 GB of free space in your drive.
  • At least 4 GB of ram is recommended when using VirtualBox or VMware.
  • CD-DVD Drive / USB Support

Getting Started with Installation

Step 1: Install VMware

In order to use the Kali Linux, we will need some virtualization software first. Kali Linux bootable USB. There are different options to choose from such as Oracle’s Virtual Box or VMware. Once the installation is completed, launch VMware from your applications folder. Kali Linux windows 10 or kali Linux mac.

Step 2: Download and check image integrity

To download Kali go to the official download page and select the one that best suits that your needs from there. Additionally, on the download page, you will find a set of hexadecimal numbers. And those numbers are not there only for fun. Kali Linux is calculated to be used for security-related tasks. So, you need to check the integrity and graphics of the image you download.

Step 3: Launch a new virtual machine

On the VMware Workstation Pro homepage, click the Create button for the new virtual machine, select the cache Linux ISO file, select the guest OS, and configure the virtual machine details. Start the virtual machine by selecting Kali Linux VMware and then clicking on the green “Power On” button.

The machine will startup


Step 1: Once the machine is started, you will bring about to select your preferred installation mode in the GRUB menu. Select the graphical install and continue.

Step 2: The next couple of screens will ask you to select locale information such as your preferred language, your location, keyboard layout e.t.c.

Step 3: Once localized, the carrier will add other components and configure your network-related settings. After that you enter it will continue the domain name and domain for this installation. Provide relevant environmental information and continue to add it.

Step 4: Set the password for your Kali Linux machine and hit continue.

Step 5: After you set the password, the input will help you set the time limit and set the disk partition. The installer will now give you four options about disk partition. The easiest option is to use ‘Target-Use Full Disk’. Experienced users can use the “Manual” partition method to find other granular configuration options.

Step 6: Select the partition disk (the recommended option for all files in one division of new users) and hit continue.

Step 7: Verify all changes that will be made to disk on the host machine. Note that if you continue it will improve DATA EASY.

When confirming a split change, the input will use the file import process. Let it install automatically, this may take a while…

Step 8: Once the required files have been installed, the system will ask you if you want to set up a network screen to receive software pieces and updates in the future. Be sure to enable this functionality if you wish to use the Kali caves.

Then configure the package manager related files then…

Step 9: Next you will be asked to install the GRUB boot Loader. Select ‘Yes’ and select the device to write the boot information required for the hard drive needed to start Kali.

Step 10: Once the installer finishes installing GRUB on disk, click continue to finish the installation, it will add some files to the final stage.

During this time, Kali Linux os will be successfully installed and you will be ready to start your Kali Linux test journey!

We’ve reached the end of the “How to Install Kali Linux” article. If this has piqued your interest and you want to know more about cybersecurity and ethics, then take a look at our cybersecurity certification training that comes with live-led training for professionals and real-life experience. This training will help you understand the depth of cybersecurity and help you gain insight over the topic.


Why do people use Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is an excellent operating system for performing various data security functions for the following reasons:

  • Provides over 600 penetration testing tools from various fields of security and forensics
  • Customize completely, so if you are not comfortable with the current features of Kali Linux, you can customize Kali Linux as much as you want.
  • Although the intervention tools are usually written in English, Kali offers multilingual support
  • Supports a wide range of wireless equipment
  • Comes with a custom kernel, which is injected
  • Developed in a safe environment
  • Free and open-source software
  • Kali Linux basics
  • Kali Linux tablet
  • Offensive security Kali

So, for the above reasons, Kali Linux is the most popular OS used by Cyber ​​Security professionals worldwide. If you want to get into the world of Cyber ​​Security and Ethical Hacking, learning how to install Kali Linux is the first step. You can attend this Cybersecurity video lecture where you can find our Training Technician discussing all the nitty-gritty of technology.

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